This may, may you not delay to join the fray of successful people who gets repaid when they obey our displayed programs. A program which puts cash out away and pays you a property. You’ll also get to learn about financial literacy through real estate with none other than our Cordilleran RealtoR, Ms Jianlin F. So don’t be swayed by the nay-sayers who brings nothing but dismay on the minds of the people they convey their thoughts with.
Let our Cordilleran RealtoR sway you on the 13th and the 20th day of May 2023, which may pave your own way towards our mutual success. Coupled with a hearty lunch buffet, you’ll have a lot of energy for what our Cordilleran RealtoR has to say. Rest assured, your time and attention will be rewarded if you don’t delay to learn and stay with us.
Free Pre Tea Talk:
Location: #75 Padre Burgos, Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines 2600
Motif: Casual
Tea Talk Proper:
Location: Orchard Hotel, Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines (or Zoom)
Motif: Corporate Sky Blue (or Any Business Attire)
Payment Method:
Bring at least 300,000 or 25,000 property reservation ready with your credentials and fly the freedom of knowledge.
Every Wednesday at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM UTC+8:
Our Youtube Channel:
Visit us at our office:
75 Padre Burgos, Baguio City